Monday, January 15, 2007

Help and Support

Day 1

On Saturday December 30th 2006 Nadia was taken to the hospital due to a very bad headache...that wouldn't go away....after a cat scan it was determined that Nadia had a large tumor at the back of her brain. That same evening Gina and Claude met with the neuro surgeon that would perform her operation. They were told many details that night....the tumor was about the size of an egg...they couldn't tell at that time if it was cancer or not. Nadia was admitted to the city hospital and on Monday January 1st,2007 at around 10:00am her surgery started. It took about 5 hours to remove ...Claude and Gina were able to see Nadia in the recovery room before she went up to the ICU. They noticed a pinkish liquid pooled in both of her eyes and asked the staff it was blood??? It was not blood it was the cleaning solution used in the operating room to prep patients for surgery. While Nadia laid on her stomache the nurses prepared the back of her head and neck and poured this solution of mainly 70% pure alcohol onto her skin...unfortunately, they failed to stop the liquid from rolling down her face and into both of her eyes.The staff should have followed the emergency procedures on the packaging and flushed her eyes out...but they didn't, Nadia was left with severe chemical burns and a deep corneal abrasion on her right eye. Nadia has been in enormous amounts of pain as a result of her eye if she wasn't in enough pain with the removal of her brain tumor!
It took a week to get the test results back on what type of tumor Nadia had....everyone was hoping and praying that it was not cancer.....After a long week of painful recovery Gina and Claude's worst nightmare came is cancer. Nadia is going to need months of chemo and radiation.
Last week Nadia was transfered out of province to a large childrens hospital...where she will start her treatments.
Being away from there home base and the kids is adding further trauma to the family....
This site is being set up for the family and all of the many extended family members and friends to read updates on Nadia's health and to communicate with eachother. With only one phone to use in the small room they are can be difficult to talk with everyone and to place long distance calls.
For security is important not to write any personal last names and addresses....For anyone who would like to phone the hospital the # is 1888-470-5888....I wont give the room # ....if you call just ask for the full name and the dipatcher can put you through to the room.
Thank you.

This post is not written by Nadia or her has been written by a family friend named Samantha.


Nadia said...

It is very easy to leave a comment for Gina and Claude to read where they are out of province....if anyone wants to write anything just click on the comment icon and type might have to fill in a few things like your email address...but it is very easy.

Nadia said...

Also, We had a bad storm here today...and a few of us neighbours shoveled some driveways and then Gilan's daughter went door to door in our complex and raised almost 200.00 in about an hour! WoW.
I will be opening an account asap to deposit it for Gina and Claude. I will post the account info when i get it. A few of us are going to our kids schools here and talking with the office to try and set up a few dances to raise more money from our community.
I just talked to the hospital...Nadia is doing well today...the snow storm is holding Claude hostage...until it passes he can't head back home.
It is 9:00pm here and I have quite a few thank you cards to write up for our nieghbours who donated this evening...
Good night and many paryers to Nadia and Mom and Dad

Lyne Roy said...

Hey guys, it's me Lyne the god mother. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about all of you everyday. I whish i could be there with you MOMMY for support. But if you need anything you know that i will be there all the time.

We love you Nadia, the chocolat donat queen.

Lyne, Rene, Mathieu and Alexandre